Mark Lutz has been writing about Python since before Python even hit its stride as a widely used programming language. This shows in the great content contained in the O’Reilly Media Python Pocket Reference book. I’ve dabbled in Ruby and .NET, but more to hit a particular task. Now with this book I have already started to dip my toes in the Python waters.
Because of the OpenStack work I’ve been doing, Python is a must-have skill. This book will get a lot of use without a doubt! Even in the VMware world, more and more Python is showing up in the dev and admin ecosystem, so this is a must have guide in my opinion.
Pocket Guides FTW!
I really enjoy pocket guides because it feels like the perfect depth of technical info, and is basically like having a dictionary at your side as you take on a new spoken language. While you can use the “google it” method to learn a lot, I have taken a different tactic on my path to learning Python by using Code Academy (, and Mark’s Python Pocket Reference.
Just from this experience I can be sure that I’ll be a more effective Python user. Bravo Mark and thank you to O’Reilly Publishing for another great book! Click the image above to buy the book for yourself and get on the road to Python goodness!