Over the last year, I’ve been spending much more time in the application space while exploring development tie-ins for OpenStack and also many cloud environments. This opened up a lot to me around CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) and the overall DevOps methodologies and culture.
For this reason I’m very proud to announce a Datadog as a new sponsor here at DiscoPosse.com! Datadog have a unique toolkit that provides a wide array of monitors for infrastructure and software across the entire DevOps stack of products. Not only that, but they have full API access (you had me at RESTful API) to create your own processes to integrate with Datadog and your other connected tools.
Through great relationships with partners (https://www.datadoghq.com/partner/) and a great team backing them, I’ve been very pleased as I watch how their offerings have evolved over recent months.
Big thanks to the Datadog team for the support, and watch for some great stuff that is happening in the coming weeks!
You can follow Datadog on Twitter (@DatadogHQ) and visit them at www.DatadogHQ.com with signups available for a trial to get started yourself.