EPISODE 8 – Talking DevOps and Code Quality with @GrabnerAndi and @brett_solarch
PODCAST LINK: http://podcast.discoposse.com/e/ep-8-talking-devops-and-code-quality-with-grabnerandi-and-brett_solarch/
In this episode, we chat with Andi Grabner (@GrabnerAndi) and Brett Hofer (@Brett_solarch) who bring some excellent insight into elevating development to a more DevOps methodology. Understanding the challenges of embracing the culture, and what relatively common sense steps you can follow to do the same in your organization.
- Fundamentals of some of the DevOps culture
- Drivers and challenge that led to the need for DevOps
- Embracing failure in testing
- Blameless post-mortems and other great techniques to support development without friction
- Thinking beyond lines of code as a metric
- Code quality (you really have to listen in and you’ll love this IMHO!)
And yes, we talk about the Phoenix Project!
Full details and show links available here: https://greencircle.vmturbo.com/community/industry-perspectives/blog/2016/02/20/gc-on-demand-ep-8-talking-devops-and-code-quality-with-grabnerandi-and-brettsolarch
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