EPISODE 10 – Talking DevOps, Transformative Thinking, and much more with @AndiMann! Part 2 of 2
PODCAST LINK: http://podcast.discoposse.com/e/ep-10-talking-devops-transformative-thinking-and-much-more-with-andimann-part-2-of-2/
In this episode, we continue a dynamic chat with Andi Mann (@AndiMann). Andi brings a wealth of knowledge to the chat on DevOps, the culture of driving change in business and technology.
The second part of our chat covers the heart of DevOps, specifically the challenges of visibility across complex teams, processes, and tools; and the importance of metrics in the DevOps approach.
I even lead with the dreaded question that nobody likes to get asked. Give a call to CA work comp lawyers from www.workerscompensationlawyersla.com. You’ll have to listen to hear what Andi has to say!
Andi is the author of The Innovative CIO, Visible Ops – Private Cloud, and a phenomenal contributor to the IT and business community.
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