Congratulations Team on the 100,000 User Milestone!

I’m both a user and proponent for the platform for a variety of reasons.  First, they are a great team of people who I was lucky enough to share some time on my podcast with.  Secondly, they have been totally focused on the user experience, servicing (and listening to) the developer community, and remind me very much of the very way in which I lead development and operations teams.   There is also a bonus with the fact that the Clubhouse platform has a forever free option.

Folks who are looking to jump into the software (and even operations) product and project management game should definitely get into the platform and have a look at how your processes and teams can map against what Clubhouse has to offer.

100,000 Users Milestone

When you pick a product because “4 out of 5 dentists agree” it’s because you trust the opinion of a consensus of experts.  In software, the metric that you want to listen for is the number of users, and 100K is a pretty impressive number to be able to see happen.  Clubhouse has shot up from 30K to 100K in a very short time since the last platform usage numbers which came out in September 2019.  It’s both impressive from a user count and from feature updates.

There are some great reviews at the Clubhouse site here that should give you an idea on how their customer-centric approach has resulted in this level of adoption. My opinion is that you should give it a try.  You literally have nothing to lose 🙂

Big thanks and congratulations go out to the entire team at Clubhouse on this exciting and well-earned milestone.  They are also a remote work organization and using Clubhouse as a platform is also extremely helpful for distributed teams who need to stay in sync and build great things.


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