Oracle Ravello Blogger Day 2 #RBD2 – Oracle Cloud Infrastucture

Oracle is driving hard towards customer-focused cloud. The amount of listening being done by the product teams is showing in the product roadmap that we saw at the (Ravello Blogger Day 2) #RBD2 event in Redwood City, CA this week. This event features a broad array of industry folks who are in vendors, ISVs, VARs … Read more

Toronto August 13th VMUG Event Recap: Ravello, CloudPhysics, Log Insight and awesomeness!

It was a Startup kind of day today at the Toronto VMUG with some really amazing content. Today was my first day as an official VMUG co-leader so it was extra special! The docket was full today with Ravello Systems kicking things off, helped out by Kyle Bassett (@KyleBassett) of and Geert Jansen (@GeertJ_) … Read more