
What is #vDM30in30?  Quick post here:  #vDM30in30 2016

How the Virtual Design Master #vDM30in30 challenge got started in 2014:  Read the original story here

Who’s in #vDM30in30 this year

This is our running list of community contributors who are producing #vDM30in30 content and their blog URLs.  Make sure to follow along and cheer on the participants along the way!

If you aren’t already on the list and want to participate, drop me a comment on the  #vDM30in30 2016 post so that I know to add your blog and contact here.

Good luck to everyone!

  1. Dee Abson (@deeabson) – https://teebeedee.org/
  2. Jeorry Balasabas (@jeorryb) – http://www.datarambler.com/
  3. Anthony Burke (@pandom_) – http://networkinferno.net/
  4. Michael Cade (@MichaelCade1) – http://www.vzilla.co.uk/vzilla-blog.html
  5. Valdecir Carvalho (@homelaber) – http://homelaber.com.br/
  6. Matt Crape (@MattThatITguy) – http://42u.ca/
  7. Gareth Edwards (@GarethEdwards86) – http://www.virtualisedfruit.co.uk/
  8. Thom Greene (@tbgree00) – https://thomgreene.com
  9. Brett Johnson (@brettjohnson008) – https://sdbrett.com
  10. Jim Jones (@k00laidIT) – https://www.koolaid.info/
  11. Christopher Lewis (@thecloudxpert) – http://thecloudxpert.net/
  12. Dean Lewis (@saintdle) – http://www.educationalcentre.co.uk/
  13. Simon Long (@SimonLong_) – http://www.simonlong.co.uk/
  14. Angelo Luciani (@AngeloLuciani) – http://www.virtuwise.com
  15. Tim Meusel (@BastelsBlog) – https://blog.bastelfreak.de
  16. Wences Michel (@wmichel) – https://m1labs.co/
  17. Gina Minks (@gminks) – http://ginaminks.com/wordpress
  18. Christian Mohn (@h0bbel) – http://vninja.net/
  19. Chris Mutchler (@chrismutchler) – http://virtualelephant.com/
  20. Rob Nelson (@rnelson0) – http://rnelson0.com
  21. Mike Preston (@mwpreston) – http://blog.mwpreston.net/
  22. John Price (@JohnAPrice29) – http://www.infotechthings.com/
  23. Taylor Riggan (@triggan) – http://www.wearabletoaster.com/
  24. Rodrigo Rovere (@BlogCiscoRedes) – http://ciscoredes.com.br/
  25. Ariel Sanches Mora (@arielsanchezmor) – https://sites.google.com/site/arielsanchezmora/
  26. Dave Simpson (@bfd_diplomacy) – http://www.virtualmachinery.co.uk/
  27. Peter Souter (@PeterSouter) – https://petersouter.co.uk/
  28. Kevin Sparenberg (@kmsigma) – http://blog.kmsigma.com/
  29. Mike Stanley (@mikestanley) – https://mikestanley.me/ – http://geekfoodcritic.com/
  30. Virtual Tom (@virtual_tom) – http://vtomblog.com/
  31. Keith Townsend (@CTOAdvisor) – http://www.thectoadvisor.com/
  32. Akmal Waheed (@akmal_waheed) – http://vdm-001.blogspot.in/
  33. Daryl Wiest (@DarylWiest) – http://darylwiest.blogspot.com/
  34. Eric Wright (@DiscoPosse) – https://discoposse.com – https://turbonomic.com/author/eric-wright/
  35. Clint Wyckoff (@ClintWyckoff) – http://cdub.azurewebsites.net/


#vDM30in30 Blog Roll for 2016

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Submit your #vDM30in30 Blog here! Make sure to use the #vDM30in30 2016 category and list your Twitter Handle followed by the article description.

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Live  on Twitter!