You Call it Legacy. I Call it Production.

The IT world is moving fast according to the pundits. You may read the latest round of articles that tell you about microservices and cloud-first, or cloud-only organizations who are using development strategies to embrace DevOps and the inevitable shift towards next-generation platforms. Containers, clouds, microservices, DevOps, Serverless…and Legacy! Tired of buzzword bingo? You’re not … Read more

We are Entering a Future of Bipartisan IT

Yes, that is bipartisan, not bimodal. For some reason I have always been torn on the term bimodal IT. Gartner has been using this term heavily in the last 12-18 months, and we can see that it has obviously been resonating. Bimodal IT is defined as follows: (source: screenshot from search) I fought the … Read more