There is so much happening with the events this year in the technology world and I’m very proud to announce I’ll be representing Tech Field Day at a special Cisco UCS Grand Slam event in New York City on September 4, 2014. This is going to be a great Tech Field Day round table and I am very pleased to be a part of it.
As you know, Cisco has become a juggernaut in the server industry for x86 blades and much more, and we have seen lots of happenings around their ACI platform launch recently also. Cisco’s John Chambers has made it clear that this is a sign of things to come also, and not just something that happened which will be sat back on.
You will be able to follow the Tech Field Day activitiy through and using the Twitter hashtag search for #CUCS14 plus on my Twitter @DiscoPosse on event day.
Cisco has a blog post here to give some leads as to the content of the event, and there is also a registration page for you to watch yourself online by clicking on the image below:
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