Infinio Accelerates into 3.0 and Flash!

At the time of this post, we have seen the launch of the Infinio Accelerator 3.0 for a few hours, and I wanted to add a little bit of my chat with Sheryl Koenigsberg about the release and to bring attention to folks who may not already be familiar with Infinio and the latest edition.

ERIC: What are the Wow! features for 3.0?

SHERYL:  The first thing is that it’s more than just a feature, it’s the results. We are seeing 1 Million IOPS and 20Gbps throughput and those are impressive, and real results.

Integrating with VAIO also opened the doors for SBPM (Storage-Based Policy Management) so that we can deliver acceleration by policy to ensure native and rapid integration with their existing and newly build policy-based storage environments.

Another big jump is the the move to support organizations that have large working sets that aren’t appropriate for RAM-only storage acceleration. This is where the addition of extending to SSD and flash hardware where RAM is not enough to furnish the workloads. We firmly believe that RAM is the right place to do this, but sometimes it just isn’t enough.

Also, in a world where VM-aware is becoming a new standard, we have the ability to deliver VM-based acceleration as well. If you are using vVols today, we can simply duplicate that policy and add acceleration.


If customers aren’t leveraging the VMware policy engine, you can build out VM-based acceleration right in the Infinite application interface.

The I/O filter is applied to all hosts in the cluster and ensures that as workloads move that the policies move with them to continue accelerating for performance.

ERIC: What has been the feedback on the early adopters for the new release?

SHERYL:  It’s been really positive. We had a small closed beta and the feedback was very encouraging both on delivering the performance we had designed Infinio for, as well as a new UI and UX that was included with the updated release. Stability was achieved early and we were able to get excellent feedback throughout the early customer testing.


ERIC:  When can we expect to see this rolled out to existing users? Is the upgrade in place and non-disruptive?

SHERYL: The migration is an uninstall of 2.0 and a reinstall of 3.0, but because we are non-disruptive, there is no risk to the environment.  There is only a loss of acceleration during the transition as the new version is deployed and becomes active.

ERIC:  I want to confirm for folks that Infinio Accelerator is still not in the data path?

SHERYL:  Definitely not. We have added all of these additional features and enhancements while being able to deliver the solution without intrusion or any interruption to the data path. This means we can deploy in minutes and without having to have any concerns. Non-disruptive has always been the goal, while also giving the powerful features that we know are delivering true value to the customers.

With VAIO, VMware is only certifying for VMware Ready on ESXi 6 and in the future. While we were certified to the highest level PVSP certification in 5.x, we knew that we had to move to the VAIO integration for both the certification and also for better interoperability.

ERIC: What’s Next?

SHERYL:  We have webinars coming up on the launch which will give a chance for a live demo of Infinio, and you can also get your own personalized demo walkthrough easily just by clicking here which has links to the webinars and to schedule your own demo.  These are the upcoming webinars in the 16th and 23rd of June


It is important to note that ESXi 6 Update 2 is a pre-requisite for the new version. We continue to support our 2.0 release, and will do so for the foreseeable future to ensure that as customers pave their path to 6.0 or higher that we can deliver the same acceleration and satisfaction that we have with our existing installations, plus even more capabilities and more powerful results.

DiscoPosse NOTE: If you are running 6.0, but not running Update 2, Infinio isn’t the only reason you should be getting the update in your systems ASAP. As you may know, there were significant security fixes included as you can read in the release notes here:

Big thanks to Sheryl for taking the time to chat with me, and congratulations to the Infinio team on the release. Make sure you have a look at the new release in your own environment which you can do by clicking the links above.  We look forward to continuing to watch the updates and advancements of Infinio and the storage ecosystem as a whole.

Download the Infinio Accelerator 3.0 whitepaper here for the full details of the release:



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