There are many folks in the IT community and in my life who have inspired joy, and allowed me to seek out the two things that continue to enrich me which are:
- Meaningful work – creating and finding opportunities to affect the people and organizations in a positive way through the work that I do on a daily basis, regardless of the nature of that work
- Meaningful relationships – genuine connections, even in small ways, with people and organizations that create learning and growth opportunities in a bi-directional way
Alastair Cooke, whom I’m lucky to be able to call a friend, wrote a great post at his blog ( which sums up much of what we need to search inwards for among our own pursuits.
This inspired a podcast which draws on Alastair’s post as well as from the two principles I list above, also found throughout the works of Ray Dalio. Please share your thoughts on this with our audience and also take the time to reflect on what I share in the podcast. All feedback is welcome!
Podcast is here if you want to listen, and I hope that you enjoy the content and share with me what your 1-2-3 questions are. Comment below with your responses and share with this community to help bring joy to others and share the knowledge.