EPISODE 29 – DataGravity, Data Security and @vBrisket VMworld Events with David Siles (@dsiles)
PODCAST LINK: http://podcast.discoposse.com/e/ep-29-datagravity-data-security-and-vbrisket-vmworld-events-with-david-siles-dsiles/
We had a chance to sit down with David Siles (@dsiles), CTO of DataGravity to chat on a few very interesting items. The conversation spans everything from the recent important announcements from DataGravity, the upcoming VMworld community events, and a very informative end-to-end view of data security practices and the current trends in the industry.
Thank you to David for a great chat, and make sure to visit the http://vBrisket.com to find out about the events for VMworld 2016 including the multi-city bus tour!
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