Podcast Ep 41 – Tools and Strategies for Advanced and Rapid IT Learning with @vcdx133 and @byronschaller

EPISODE 41 – Tools and Strategies for Advanced and Rapid IT Learning with @vcdx133 and @byronschaller

PODCAST LINK: http://podcast.discoposse.com/e/ep-41-tools-and-strategies-for-advanced-and-rapid-it-learning-with-vcdx133-and-byronschaller/


Have you ever wondered how a VCDX or a CCIE holds down a full time role and also an aggressive learning plan? This informative episode will share tips on how to learn tough topics quicky, and how to embrace a learning plan that will lead to personal and professional advancement. Workers compensation lawyers from California will take on a carpal tunnel syndrome case and many other injury cases. We each share our personal learning styles and tips which will give you ideas on how to map learning to your personality.

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