Microsoft Ignite 2019 Community Coffee Exchange

Got beans?  Want beans?  Coming to Microsoft Ignite 2019 in Orlando?  Welcome to the Diabolical Coffee Community Bean Exchange group!  Jump on in by filling out the form here or head over to to sign up before the event which is happening November 4-8 in Orlando, Florida.

How does Community Bean Exchange Work?

Find a local roaster or some of your very favorite beans.  Package up one or two single pound bags of whole bean coffee and bring them to Microsoft Ignite with you in Orlando.  Everyone who fills out the form below (that’s the important part) will be a part of the exchange.  Our crew (aka DiscoPosse and anyone willing to help) will mix and match the caffeinated goodness and prepare pickup packages for folks to take back to their home coffee brewing stations.

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Where to Bring your Beans

Bean drop off and pick up will be at the Turbonomic booth in the expo hall.  Beans must be dropped off by midday Tuesday and pickup can begin on Wednesday.  Join in the fun and I can’t wait to see everyone in person at the event!  Logistics email will be sent out prior to and during Microsoft Ignite which is why it’s super important that you fill out the form to be included in the communications.

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