For those of you who have been at these sort of conferences you will know that there is a careful balance between marketing and deep technical sessions. So far I have managed to choose wisely with my sessions and avoid the pure marketing and hype sessions. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the need for them and it is up to me to make the choice to avoid these since they aren’t appropriate to my needs.
The sessions I have attended have been informative and beyond that I am very pleased with how vmworld closes the gap between the presenter/subject matter expert and the consumer (me!). Truth be told it’s like meeting rock stars face to face for someone like myself. I liken my experience to rock stars because for me and other senior technical folks, these are the people that we follow on Twitter and whose books and blogs we read for leading information on these technologies.
Technical rock stars are the same as musical ones. They are just like the rest of us, but they have honed their skills and marketed their abilities to reach another level. I have a huge appreciation for what they have done, and continue to do to provide myself and my peers with information and skills that make my day to day easier.
It’s early on Day 3 right now and I’ve chosen to sit for a session about “Building a Secure Private Cloud”. It’s much more marketing-oriented than I would have hoped, so I’ll chalk this one up as a small win. At least it will give me some more tools to sell the concepts once I get back to work.