Double-Take 7.0: Now with 100% More PowerShell!

For customers of Double-Take Availability by Vision Solutions, you have enjoyed lots of features and functionality which have personally saved my bacon in DR situations over the years.

In Q1 of 2013 I was given a road-map presentation for the new Double-Take 7.0 product line with more optimization and a bunch of new features. With every road-map session, with any vendor, the first thing I ask is: “Do you support scripting with PowerShell?”. On that day, it was with great joy that I was given the answer I’ve wanted for a few years: “Yes!”

With the new release of 7.0 there is now a full set of PowerShell CmdLets for managing the Double-Take environment, so for any heavy users of automation and scripting (myself included) there is now an even better way to get the most out of Double-Take.

93 New Ways to Be Awesome

Coming from the DTCLI (Double-Take Command Lime Interface) from previous versions, the new DT PowerShell environment is a stunning expansion on the management capability. There are 93 new CmdLets packaged in the module and numerous accessible classes to make the scripting capability an important part of the overall product strength.

Once you’ve installed your Double-Take 7.0 product on your server, you open your PowerShell window and enter the following command:

Import-Module “C:Program FilesVision SolutionsDouble-TakeConsoleDoubleTake.PowerShell.dll”


As long as you receive no errors, you are now working with the new module loaded. If you want to reference the CmdLet help, you can consult the 422 page PDF…no, seriously, the entire help environment is available for reference both in PDF and in the traditional method of using Get-Help CmdLet method:


Time to get your PowerShell on!

I encourage you to get the Double-Take 7.0 product downloaded and start to looking at what you can do with PowerShell and the Double-Take environment now. I’ll put together more posts to help with more detailed configuration. Using these methods you can really re-think how you manage the platform and it can now be rolled into the orchestration side of your environment which will be a really great value addition to the Double-Take portfolio in my opinion.


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