Guess who’s going to be at Virtualization Field Day 3?

It has started off as an incredible year in 2014 already. One of the reasons I am so excited is that I am super honored to have been invited to be a delegate for Virtualization Field Day #3 presented by the team at Tech Field Day (

If you didn’t see my earlier post on the Tech Field Day program (Why you need to be watching Tech Field Day), this is a phenomenal program lead by Stephen Foskett and his awesome team of TFD organizers. This is an opportunity for the TFD delegates to drink from the firehose as vendors and engineers share their products and knowledge with us.

Virtualization Field Day

The Virtualization Field Day series has had two iterations so far, and this year I am proudly attending VFD3 from March 5th-7th in California. This series focuses on hypervisors, storage, management products, data protection, and replication tools among its subject matter.


The Tech Field Day sessions are often streamed live, and recordings will be available after the event. It really is an incredibly well presented event, and I have been a fan of Tech Field Day for a long time.

I encourage you to take a look and when the event is happening, you will be able to interact through Twitter using hashtag #VFD3 to connect directly with the delegates and presenters. How cool is that?!

Keep watching for more details!

As the event information comes together, I will be sharing out the information on sponsors, delegates, and content so that you can all share in this experience with us.

Thank you to all of you who support me with the blog, and to all my amazing peers who gave me the opportunity to be a part of this great event. Exciting times are ahead!!

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