Are you a vExpert and want to re-up for 2017? Click here:
Are you keen to join the vExpert community but aren’t a vExpert yet? Click here:
Know someone who you want tor refer as a vExpert? Click here:
Do you want to see who the current vExperts are? Click here:
For the slightly longer read:
The VMware vExpert community is a phenomenal way to find peers in the virtualization marketplace who are helping to evangelize solutions that can help us all. Most importantly, it is also a program that is entirely open for you to also be a part of and contribute to.
There are regular points within the year in which you can enter into the program. The next batch of vExpert entries are about to launch with the application process having opened very recently. Make sure that you take some time to head on over to the 2017 vExpert blog that was published with the links for the 2017 program.
Being a three time VMware vExpert so far for me has been very exciting and fun. I’m always happy to contribute content and create community opportunities through online, and in-person meetups to help promote this very dynamic and enjoyable group of people and the technologies that we all use.
Creating content is both fun and easy. Being a community contributor is also very easy, and very fulfilling both personally and professionally. This helps me to learn about how I’m doing things in comparison to others in the industry, and you will find yourself with a new pool of friends as well as some extremely intelligent and helpful professional peers.
Good luck to all those who are submitting for new entries to vExpert in 2017, and I hope to join the ranks of the vExpert alumni to continue to evangelize all that we do!