Taking a DNS Domain for a Drive on AWS Route53

Every once in a while I revisit a lot of the IT assets I’ve got on the go. I use GoDaddy for a lot of my domain services, and despite some challenges, it has done me well so far. One of the things that I do find limiting is the lack of a programmatic way … Read more

Updating (same as parent folder) records with DNSCMD and PowerShell

In an earlier post on the site (Microsoft DNS record updates using PowerShell and DNSCMD) I noted how PowerShell cannot natively update records in MS DNS, however we could leverage the DNSCMD command and pass parameters using a simple PowerShell script. A couple of comments came in regarding the records which are in DNS listed … Read more

The mighty chain of IT: Where five 9 uptime falls apart

It used to be said that if you want something done right that you have to do it yourself. True words, but unfortunately that only works if you are ready to maintain the entire scope of build, deploy, monitor and support all by yourself. Earlier this week, GoDaddy.com suffered from an outage which highlighted some … Read more

Microsoft DNS record updates using PowerShell and DNSCMD

UPDATE TO THIS POST: Hi folks! some of the comments about records that are listed with (same as parent folder) as the name caused me to make an update. I’ve noted the updates in the following post: http://www.discoposse.com/2013/04/14/updating-same-as-parent-folder-records-with-dnscmd-and-powershell/ I have also updated the code below to reflect the new code. ORIGINAL POST: There are occasions … Read more