Using PowerCLI to synchronize vCenter Notes with Active Directory description fields

Recently one of our awesome community members posed a question for a PowerCLI script to pull some information from Active Directory to update VMware vCenter guest attributes. This is the fun of our scripting community because we can save a lot of time by asking the question among members and often they have saved some … Read more

PowerCLI – Add Multiple VLAN Port Groups to vSphere Cluster Standard vSwitches

A recent change to my networking environment added the requirement to put different VM guests onto different VLANs according to their role. This is a fairly common configuration for a lot of virtualized datacenters. What is also common is that we don’t have the design fully prepared when we build our virtual infrastructure. Limitations of … Read more

PowerCLI – Enabling or Disabling VAAI in a vSphere Cluster

There are limited cases where you would need to do this, but since I’m a huge proponent for scripting anything I do, here is a programmatic (and quick) way to enable or disable VAAI functionality for your vSphere clusters. Why Disable VAAI? The first thing you are asking of course, is why on earth would … Read more

PowerCLI – Globally setting VM Tools time sync and version upgrade options

Recently I was presented with the need to change the time synchronization and VM Tools installation options for a number of VM guest machines. While this is not challenging to do through the UI, I’m a big fan of doing everything possible through PowerCLI. And if you have larger numbers of machines in your VMware … Read more