The Simple Guide to Rails Pluralization

This is probably one of the simplest things, but something that I have to stop and ask myself over and over again:  when do I use singular or plural when using Rails generators?  I’ve been a long time fan and user of Ruby on Rails.  I’m also not a developer, so working with proper coding … Read more

Nice Flash messages in Rails 2 and Rails 3

I’ve been doing some Rails work recently and one of the things that I’ve found to be a nice aesthetic add-on is putting some nicer flash messages in. Over at there is an example which I’ve worked off of – The example is as follows. Add this section to your application_helper.rb def show_flash … Read more

Ruby on Rails tip – generating a project with specific rails version

Let me qualify that I am sporting the “noob” title with my Ruby on Rails development. That being said, I hope that I can offer some small help to other new RoR folks as I learn the ropes myself. This is a simple tip which I have found very handy since I’ve updated my rails … Read more