The art of the takeoff: technology blogging for enabling experimentation

In the world of technology, it can never be said that there is a shortage of things to learn. With that said, I wanted to highlight what I find particularly cool about the technology communities and what bloggers can do for the larger audience. Think Globally, Act Locally: Technology Edition You’ve probably heard the phrase … Read more

Puppet 101 – Basic installation for master and agent machines on Ubuntu 12.04 with VMware Workstation

You don’t have to go far to hear the word Puppet these days. Configuration management isn’t just a new trend that is hitting IT environments. It is a methodology for stateful, repeatable, DevOps style management of your infrastructure. For the VMware folks, this is now a part of the vCloud ecosystem in a way because … Read more

Get-Started: ii Captain! Using the Invoke-Item CmdLet

A nifty little PowerShell CmdLet to make use of is Invoke-Item, which also has the alias ii. This CmdLet can be used against files, URLs and other documents and items to invoke the default action against them. An example where we would want to use this is where we generate some output into a file … Read more